What's Cooking

Happy Thanksgiving. I'm in a dark internet cafe with Duran Duran rocking, its dumping snow outside. Dave is going into a blood sugar crash, so I have to make it quick. Yesterday we met with Martynas and Romas. These guys are both about 65, both retired television directors. Tomorrow we're going to do a little practice run to see how this thing works. I'll give them a little mission, a little information, then we'll follow them with the camera and let them improvise a scene out on the street. If it looks good then we'll try and go big. Last week they told me they had been celebrating the birthday of a friend who died fifteen years ago. We'll take that and make it bigger. Hopefully we'll be able to spin it up into a road story. Two old guys going to Berlin to see a friend. I'll probably try and tweak it a lot harder than that. One of them knows he's dead and doesn't know how to tell the other. One of them dies. You get it. Some of the scenes we're talking about are: Starting with one of them at the hill of crosses. Starting the other in a basement full of potatoes. The two guys out in the forest finding an old AK47 that still works. Them in an abandoned monastery telling stories about when they lost their virginity. Of coarse the long train ride, then monstrous Berlin. Maybe some shots from the radio and television tower. That's the hope, we'll see what cooks up.